The question for every new entrepreneur is how to begin promoting your brand on social media. By the very definition, all online social media platforms are for sharing updates with friends, relatives and family members. But the social media also has paid promotions which is specific for brands. So where to small business owners begin. This article explores the problems with social media specially when you have personal content on social media and your friend list is personal too.
Small business women entrepreneurs
Women brand owners who begin as first timers face the daunting task for how to make it big with sales. With all that talk of social media success, most of us believe that it is the social media that should be the starting point for all advertisements and product promotions. However just imagine, who all will be seeing all those product posts. Your friends and relatives. Initially there will be a flood of likes and comments.
For a few fortunate ones, there will also be new orders from among friends and family members. But eventually they will all get bored and will avoid your posts completely. How to avoid this situation?
Action plan for brand owners
Instagram and Facebook both offer professional accounts and tools for business. So the first thing on your list has to be to finalise the following.
- Brand name and logo with a tag line
- Product pictures and description of your business
- Marking your business on Google Maps
- Creating a list of services and a brief introduction to each
- Choosing the right business category where your brand fits
Once all this information is ready, open a new business account on Instagram and a new Facebook Business Page. Once all that is ready start posting your content on both the platforms. Once you are through with the two biggest social media platforms, you can move to other options like YouTube, Twitter and so on.
Suggestions to increase your reach
Start following other brand owners in same category to understand how they post content. You will also benefit from their reach.
Start sharing useful content in your stories.
Comment on other posts and give a few suggestions.
Do not forget to create meaningful and information content.
About Business Mates Delhi
We at Business Mates Delhi have the perfect platform for first time women entrepreneurs. Over years of experience we have developed a user friendly ecosystem with various training and learning activities to understand how to promote business. What makes us different from other groups is that we cover the complete range of a networking group by having a strong online as well as offline presence with the entire set of training tools for both beginners as well as experienced brand owners.
If you are interested to get a preview into our activities, you are welcome to attend any of our event free of cost as a guest and then check out things first hand.

A mother of two, Preeti Bhandari is a colloquial writer. She believes in simple living which reflects in her writings. As the Editor of Narisakti, she intends to use her vast experience to propel this platform to a cult status among entrepreneurial networks.
When not writing she is quilling, both with paper and thoughts.