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Nidhi Gupta
Nidhi Gupta

The journey of Nidhi Gupta as an entrepreneur began in 2008 when she founded Likhavat Academy Pvt Ltd. 

She transformed Calligraphy from what used to a hobby activity into a structured teaching syllabus. 

By providing handwriting improvement courses in both English and Hindi she provides a yeoman service to students and professionals too.

The real area of expertise of Nidhi Gupta is as a Graphologist. Using handwriting analysis as a tool, graphology can unearth the personality and character of a person. This information is then used to make definitive changes in that person which is known as graphotherapy. Nidhi Gupta has worked with corporate, education, law enforcement and recruitment to provide value added services related to graphology.

Likhavat Academy under the able stewardship of Nidhi Gupta provides opportunity to individuals to learn, excel and even start off their own careers in association with the Academy. Her reputation has led the academy to have association with education groups like Apeejay, Cambridge, Shriram Global School, Excelsior American School and many other reputed names in the field.

Versatility of Nidhi Gupta as an entrepreneur is clearly visible when during the lockdown period, Likhavat Academy successfully went online and continued to provide all courses not only nationally but globally too!


Life took an unexpected but interesting turn for Aastha Kalra when she enrolled with Likhavat Academy to learn Graphology. Under the able guidance of Nidhi Gupta she successfully completed all levels of graphology. Her in depth understanding of Graphology led her to earn the position of Head of Department of Graphology for Likhavat Academy. 

It was while in Likhavat Academy that she discussed the idea of forming a business networking group for women only with Nidhi Gupta. Business Mates Delhi took formal shape in 2019. As a co-founder of Business Mates she takes active interest in planning and conducting the numerous activities of the largest women focus networking group in the world!

Since acquiring her qualification as graphologist and graphotherapist she has grown from strength to strength learning mandala therapy, drawing and doodling analysis, guided art coach and counselling. She has bridged the gap between understanding the science of graphology and applications in real life situations. This is evident in her social media videos where she talks about the art of living and relationships. Her short videos are crisp, to the point and easy to understand. Aastha Kalra also offers courses in graphology for any student who has the aptitude for learning graphology. 

Aastha has always been a socially active person. She uses her business network connections to help out anyone in need. She is approachable and manages to find solutions to the most complex problems. Her networking skills are an inspiration to members of Business Mates Delhi and her entrepreneur skills have earned her name and fame in the world of handwriting analysis and signature moulding. 


Aastha Kalra
Aastha Kalra

We the Founders of the group Nidhi Gupta and Aastha Kalra believe in the power of networking therefore we have created this platform just for women where we give the opportunity to connect, build relations and generate business for one another. Networking is an essential part of building wealth.

Networking is important for all professionals and business owners. Quite simply, it’s a fast and effective way to build your business or career and excellent networking platform will set you apart from the competition.

Whether you’re a professional or a dedicated entrepreneur, you can benefit from networking, if you want to stand out from the crowd and move up the success ladder or grow your business presence, we are giving you this platform so make the best use of it to grow your business.