We at Business Mates Delhi got an overwhelming response for Chapter 1. This encouraged us to launch the second chapter of Business Mates Delhi. In the first chapter we began with tentative but bold steps. We learnt from new experiences and got valuable insights from outside. But largely it was the feedback received which encouraged us to launch Chapter 2 in a bigger and more ambitious avatar.

Whats new in Chapter 2
We decided to introduce a series of measures in Chapter 2. Bold steps to shock and awe everyone. Firstly we gave the setup a corporate look and feel. Members need to feel and experience part of something grand. If a member is attending a meet she has to feel special as well as time well spend at the same time. And all this while the basic underlying philosophy remaining same.
Beginning Chapter 2 we shall have full online and social media presence. We opened a social media account on the two most popular platforms, Instagram and Facebook. We also launched a Facebook Group which will allow members and visitors to interact. This group will be public, but only members of Business Mates will be able to post. A program of featured woman of the week will run to give adequate coverage to each member.
Each meet will permit visitors to come and attend the meet. Visitors will have certain restrictions. They might have to pay charges for certain events. Each meet will be based on a theme. Also new tools like growth card are being introduced.
Each member was given a personalized kit consisting of a folder and such items. We have used latest features like QR code for members and profile uploaded on website. The business details of each member is arranged alphabetically on members page. It also includes social media and contact links.
Chapter One had meetups in some exotic locations where we met and had fun. But this time we have decided to have a conference hall as meetup place. This will ensure only professional discussion which will be work related. Also the concept of outstation members is also under consideration.

Way ahead for Business Mates Chapter Two
Chapter Two promises to be bigger and even better. We took a pledge to support each other and help grow. Business Mates is planing to expand and setup similar centers all across Delhi NCR. We shall also have a franchise system in place soon which will enable use to reach even further from Delhi. Finally we also aim to provide even more business and referrals to our members.