We are called many things- gossip mongers, vain, airheads and what not. But did we ever sit back and think that all these above adjectives actually make us a worthy entrepreneur? Nidhi Gupta and Aastha Kalra saw it as a superb opportunity to break the stereotype and turn it into an entrepreneur venture.
Women are known to have great skills. There are many who feel that these attributes are of no use, but the businessmates women know how to make their innate qualities and use them to improve their business and grow. Entrepreneurs need three things to increase their value-
– A great product/services
– Networking
– Marketing
If you have the first, Businessmates take care of the other two. What the group members really bank upon is the close-knit community. The sense of being there for each other and to help each other out is what makes the members worthy.
Women are often considered to be not men’s equal. Business is supposedly not the forte of women, But Businessmates strongly feels that whatever makes these women different is exactly what makes them worthy. It is in no way to seek a validation but a sense of contentment.
1. Patience
Women in general are said to be patient. A product/service needs to go through various processes to turn from an idea into a tangible output and for all this process, it needs patience. From conception to growth and beyond, women have the patience to see the idea flourish.
2. Great listener
It is true that it is very hard to shut up women. But has anyone considered that if a woman talks, it is the other woman who is listening. When she listens, she is not merely listening, she is also processing and trying to find a solution to come up for something that is going to be useful.
3. Sharp mind
The mind of a woman is known to work on multiple levels. What a man may perceive in 2D, she can look at the same situation in multiple dimensions. And thus, take out multiple ways to cope.
4. Practical approach
With a multi-faceted and practical approach, she is a great entrepreneur. While looking at a problem, she might not feel desolated, in fact her quick thinking can help salvage the situation.
5. Social butterflies
Women love to be social, but then networking is in its base form, being social! The way they are able to network is superb for their entrepreneurial ventures. As they are able to promote their business themselves within their social circles.
6. Reference
When she likes something, she will tell all her friends and relatives. Businessmates work on this principle. If the product/service used is liked by one member, they can refer it to nonmembers, helping their fellow BM members flourish too.
7. Gossip Queens
Men do it too but they would never agree. There is a fantastic sense in having a heart to heart and the entire day’s pressure can be relieved by simply talking to other women. In these conversations, many women help each other out, look out for each other and grow as entrepreneurs.
These trivial things are often discarded by men but these in fact are the qualities that make these women entrepreneurs successful and worthy of all the recognition.

A mother of two, Preeti Bhandari is a colloquial writer. She believes in simple living which reflects in her writings. As the Editor of Narisakti, she intends to use her vast experience to propel this platform to a cult status among entrepreneurial networks.
When not writing she is quilling, both with paper and thoughts.