Business Mates is a dream of the founders- Nidhi Gupta and Aastha Kalra. A woman only networking group that brings together many friends and friends of friends to have a group and promote each other.
The dream was not about how to climb up the ladder of success but to take other women too. Business Mates was born to provide this platform to those women who want to reach out and promote their ideas.
The visionaries had to go through various stages to reach the stage they are right now. What started as a group of selected women is now standing at a number that the founders would never have fathomed.
When Nidhi and Aastha created the group, only a handful of people joined. The categories were limited; as it was for a trial period. But once the founders got a grip and found that their business model is great, there was no looking back. Their vision has taken a shape and a wonderful one at that.
Each one Promote
When women join a business group, they want a place to showcase their work and services. Business Mate is one such platform where the members can showcase. The rest of the members can avail the services as and when required. Promotion is strictly of the members of the group only. No outsiders are allowed.
Due to this, many women entrepreneurs have got various orders and got a boost to their work.
Support and Guidance
Within the group everyone has a story to tell, sometimes they are success stories and sometimes their struggle. Nidhi and Aastha bring in speakers from outside the group who consult with these women and guide them in the right direction.
Within the group these women help each other out. It may be in the form of business guidance or referrals. They have each other’s back. The Business Mate family is a closed knit family.
Unlike other women groups
Many women networking groups come together to gossip and have a merry time. Business Mates have rules. The founders made sure that women adhere to it. It is definitely not a kitty party where the formal meetings are held regularly and attendance is a must.
Common goal
All these women who have either come in contact with Nidhi or Aastha or have heard about Business Mates from friends or an advertisement have one goal in mind. They want to grow. They want to reach at the top of their game. Be the best. Business Mates give them not only the opportunity to grow but they applaud your achievements too.
Training Sessions
Some of these women have raw ideas. In order to polish them and bring it to the foreground various training sessions and proper guidance is provided from time to time. No one should be left back; everyone should move in one direction; that is the vision of the founders.
Online presence
Today the time is changing and people need to move with the times. The online presence of any brand or service is essential. With a strong online presence, Business Mates was able to garner more and more business, for themselves as well as their members.
Like minded and motivated females are a pillar of support for each other. Women’s networking skills are nothing new but with the right direction it has now turned productive.

A mother of two, Preeti Bhandari is a colloquial writer. She believes in simple living which reflects in her writings. As the Editor of Narisakti, she intends to use her vast experience to propel this platform to a cult status among entrepreneurial networks.
When not writing she is quilling, both with paper and thoughts.