Whenever a woman decides to go out to earn, there are two things on her mind, family and time. At Business Mates Delhi we have each member with her own experience and how she managed to find the balance so that she can pursue her ambition. Stories to inspire each other.
Story No 1
I am a home baker. I come from Eastern UP and a post graduate. When I joined Business Mates I was just a mother with a kid and a home maker. It was pure chance that I met the founders of Business Mates who asked me to join first and then explore various options. Being a mother is a full time occupation, from dusk to dawn. I got inspired by other women who were in the same situation as me but still managing time to go after their ambitions. It made me confident enough to start with baking. Cooking is my passion and baking was already on my mind. I am good with breads and cakes. So I decided to make that as my brand and business. That time it was 2019. After more than two years I look back and think about all those ups and downs and happy moments. One of my favourite is the Pizza cake which came up as an idea which worked magic. The struggle is still there but now I am enjoying it.
Story No 2
I am the typical but uncommon Delhi-Girl-nextdoor. Born and brought up in Delhi like so many others. Since I was a child, I used to always like to dress up and do a makeup. For that I used to borrow my mom’s makeup kit. As I grew up, I learnt the techniques and step. Before marriage I used to help my friends and relatives to get ready for functions. With marriage and child came the big break but I eventually rediscovered my passion. I even started teaching basic makeup techniques to my friends. That is the time when I decided to launch my own brand. It is my friend, Aastha who is the co-founder of Business Mates who encouraged me to join this women only networking group. Most people know me as the stylish girl with the cool and calm exterior. But only people close to me know my daily struggles. As a freelance makeup artist I visit homes and locations. I am always meeting deadlines and if I get delayed at one place, my schedule for the day goes topsy turvy. I carry my stuff around myself and during peak season I am out for sometimes the whole day. Beautiful women looking their best with my makeup is my motivation.
Story No 3
When the world is celebration Diwali, I am busy working with marketing and orders. Such is my life as Tupperware specialist. One day the realisation dawned upon me that I am a grandmother! But I still have the energy of a 16 year old working almost 24 x 7. After 17 years of working in this field, now I call myself a kitchen makeover specialist. Each and every assignment I take on is without breaking anything or driving a single nail in the wall. This is my USP too. My main difficulty is I belong to the period of pen and paper. Today social media rules, but I still believe in the people connect. It is the trust factor which I build with people. There are so many Tupperware sellers in the market. But where I am different is that I don’t just sell products, I sell ideas. Success comes after hard-work. Small success and rewards make us happy. I still remember my first foreign trip which was fully sponsored by Tupperware. It was my achievement. Age is not a factor, I will keep working till I am alive.

A mother of two, Preeti Bhandari is a colloquial writer. She believes in simple living which reflects in her writings. As the Editor of Narisakti, she intends to use her vast experience to propel this platform to a cult status among entrepreneurial networks.
When not writing she is quilling, both with paper and thoughts.