In a blog announcement on 26 July 2022, Instagram explained how business owners will be benefitted by sharing all videos as reels. As we all know, Instagram shares regular updates via a separate blog for business owners. This update was posted to tell everyone that all new videos posted on Instagram will be shared as reels. Instagram was pretty excited to share something new. The question is will it excite us all too.
What is the update all about
Instagram has been repeatedly telling us that reels are only for entertainment. As brand owners we know that the reach of reels is phenomenal. Single business owners would like to use this reach to advertise their product and services. Small business who do not have an advertising budget mostly use social media as a free tool.
You can showcase creativity and educate your audience with reels. They also help new people discover your business. Though paid promotion was available for just about any type of post on Instagram including reels, Instagram did categorised reels as just for entertainment only.
With this update, all the creative tools available for reels are now for video posts too. This will make the videos more fun and engaging.
Videos can get full screen and immersive too. That means content creators can click long videos in the portrait mode.
Also with this update, Instagram has blurred the distinction between a video and a reel. Eventually in future, Instagram might just remove the video category altogether.
The time cap for videos to the shared as reels is 15 minutes.
Anything from brand owners?
The answer is yes. Instagram began with a 15 second limit for reels and later enhanced it to 30 seconds and 90 seconds. These limits were too less for brand owners to create anything substantial. In 15 minutes now brand managers have both the creativity and freedom to convey maximum information to their targeted audience.

A mother of two, Preeti Bhandari is a colloquial writer. She believes in simple living which reflects in her writings. As the Editor of Narisakti, she intends to use her vast experience to propel this platform to a cult status among entrepreneurial networks.
When not writing she is quilling, both with paper and thoughts.