Every brand owner needs a solid communication plan to approach prospective clients. Before the era of social media it was just a face to face conversation. Many people also connected over voice calls too. But now there so many different ways like messenger, video calls, zoom meets and so on.
Why do we need a communication plan?
People who work in marketing have a script at hand which they recite by heart. Top companies have research teams who prepare sales pitch. All the more reason to keep your scripts ready is that it gives you confidence and helps you to improve the script if required.
It is not necessary to stick to a prepared speech, you can go impromptu like so many people do.
Pro Tip – While rehearsing for whatever you will talk also check out the dress and how you will look in the mirror too.
Having a different online plan
- Online queries are short and crisp. There is usually no introduction at all by the clients. Just like in real world.
- Your introductions have to be short too. Long messages might put off the clients.
- In the online world, a picture speaks a thousand words. A relevant picture of your product is more than enough to tempt a client into buying.
- Videos are very powerful in conveying a message. Short clips explaining about something interesting go easily as content on social media and messengers too.
- Make sure you keep in touch with all your clients. Drop in a celebratory or festive message. Facebook will help you to keep a track of all personal landmarks.
- Whatever your plan or strategy is, do not delay responding to messages on WhatsApp or any messengers. Keep your phone handy and do not embark upon long vacations.

A good communication plan is also the smartest. Keep simple options for clients and declutter your life by choosing just one or two modes of communication. It is time to let go of the old ways of long talks to be replaced with short chats and quick responses.

A mother of two, Preeti Bhandari is a colloquial writer. She believes in simple living which reflects in her writings. As the Editor of Narisakti, she intends to use her vast experience to propel this platform to a cult status among entrepreneurial networks.
When not writing she is quilling, both with paper and thoughts.